Trilogy Animation Group (TAG), the animation studio dedicated to producing and developing quality family entertainment for audiences worldwide, is showcasing five exciting animated kids’ series at MIPJunior for the first time. TAG, which acquired the complete portfolio of PorchLight Entertainment IP, including its well-loved Emmy-nominated preschool series, Jay Jay The Jet Plane, and Emmy-winning Tutenstein for the school-age set, is updating the two celebrated shows for a new generation as well as presenting original series that will further grow TAG’s viewing audience. The new shows will be introduced at MIPJunior and MIPCOM 2022, 15-20 October in Cannes, France.
TAG VP Todd Waterman said, “We are very excited about our new line-up of animated children’s series, which includes familiar shows along with original productions that are sure to become new favourites of kids and families around the world. We look forward to sharing our latest projects with the international broadcast community this month.”
TAG’s slate of series now in development include:
The New Adventures of Jay Jay The Jet Plane – A comedy adventure series for preschoolers, the newly-updated CG show features STEM education and social-emotional learning packed in each 11-min episode. The series follows some of the original show’s favorites, including the playful, energetic jet plane, Jay Jay, and his pals Tracy, Snuffy, and Ricky Rescue, as they take off from Tarrytown Airport on exciting adventures. The New Adventures of Jay Jay The Jet Plane features a fresh and vibrant new look and introduces more characters and fun destinations.
Tutenstein – An adventure series for kids ages eight-12 (22-min episodes), shows what happens when a 12-year-old girl and 4,000-year-old-mummy boy become best friends – and her cat gains the power of speech! In addition to the adventure, mystery, magic, and fun, Tutenstein is all about family lost, family found, family forever.
Doots – Lots of kids doodle when they’re bored, but 10-year-old Orion’s doodles actually come to life. The comedy series (11-min stories) for six to nine year-olds follows Orion and his wacky, furry, funny, and totally out of control doodles, or “doots” for short! They sweep into Orion’s life and whisk him into fantastical worlds filled with magical creatures and epic quests. As the series unfolds, the Doots and Orion share fun, laughter, and unpredictable adventures while learning valuable life lessons along the way.
Earth to Eden – A slice-of-life show for preschoolers ages four-six featuring seven-year-old Eden Brooks, a girl with an inner spark that makes her special and who turns every day into a grand adventure with her #GirlDad, family and friends. The series explores themes of family, love of nature, building friendship, and personal pride, all culminating in one universal truth: living well is a lifelong adventure and it’s best to enjoy the ride.
Rubbernecks – An animated 3D stop-motion series for kids and families set in the town of Desperation, where the town residents are a quirky, mixed bag that includes a snake, tortoise, roadrunner, and a few lizards. They all prove the well-known hypothesis that overexposure to intense heat can drive you nutty. The series features art by Deane Taylor, award-winning art director from the Oscar-nominated feature, Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas.