The Legend of Ponnivala to Air in India on Thanthi TV Network

Animated series The Legend of Ponnivala, a 26 episode series created by The Sophia Hilton Foundation of Canada and Soft Science Associates, that tells the story of the epic South Indian heroes Ponnar and Shankar is all set to air in Tamilnadu.

This announcement is coming in from the official website of this series, “ The Sophia Hilton Foundation of Canada is very excited to announce that The Legend of Ponnivala will soon be on the air again, this time in Tamilnadu on the Thanthi TV network!”

Adds more “This is a very exciting announcement, as we have been working hard to have the series come to televisions around the world, and especially in India where the story originates. Thanthi TV will be showing the series on Sundays across their viewing area and in streaming video online.” had previously caught up with Dr. Brenda Beck, Creator and Producer of series when there was an announcement of the series being signed by the Asian Television Network for Canadian broadcast.

“The Legend of Ponnivala” was previously seen only as a feature film in select international settings. One extended excerpt received a nomination for Best Animated Film (Home Video) at the 2012 FICCI BAF Awards in India. Another extract was a featured presentation at the MOSAIC International South Asian Film Festival in Mississauga, Ontario.

“As this news is still very new, we don’t have all the scheduling details worked out. Keep checking your email though, as we’ll make sure you’re the first to know when the series can be seen in your area!” The Team Concludes