Studio 100 International announces ‘Maya The Bee’ cinema promotion across Poland

Studio 100 International has launched Maya the Bee cinema promotion events across three Polish cities. 

The studio in collaboration with Generation Media (UK) has launched a cinematic experience with the character – Maya the Bee. Following  special premiere events in three Polish cities, families across Poland can now join in a  special 60-minute interactive cinema event at nearly 50 Multikino Vue locations. 

The Maya the Bee cinema event showcases Maya’s world  on the Poppy Meadow, including four popular episodes of the CGI series, featuring the story of Maya’s birth. Between episodes, children and their families will be invited to  participate in fun-filled activities including puzzling, dancing, and sing-alongs, designed to enhance their connection with Maya’s adventurous tales. 

“This new and innovative format not only allows kids to experience Maya’s world in a  completely fresh and engaging way but also extends our mission to deliver enriching  family entertainment that educates and inspires via various platforms,” said Studio 100 International marketing director Peter  Kleinschmidt.

The premiere event in Bydgoszcz, Gdánsk and Zabrze featured a special framework  program, providing attendees with engaging beekeeper information.

Studio 100 International plans to extend this cinematic experience into various markets as part of its international marketing strategy to support its key brands with innovative  activities.