3D Animation video on Jesus, produced by an Indian animation studio, gets over 5 lakh views, over 1, 00,000 likes and over 22,000 shares in just 2 days on Facebook. The video is produced by SOURCE Animation Pvt. Ltd. a Mumbai based studio for a Canada based not for profit group “The Urantia Book Outreach Organisation”.
Source Animation Pvt. Ltd. was commissioned by the Canada based organisation in 2012 to develop a series of 3D animation videos based on “The Urantia Book”. The video focus on important events and brings to life ‘preaching’s and teachings of Jesus’ from The Urantia Book. The video is part of a 10 episode series, currently 2 episodes have been completed and work on the 3rd episode is underway.
‘As the sponsor is a Not for Profit organization the funding is a little slow, we have worked a deal to develop 2- 3 episodes of 18 minute each every year.’ says Rajnish Arora, CEO Source Animation Pvt. Ltd. A team of 18 animation artists is working on the project. ‘Keeping the costs under control is very critical for this project and at times we have hired skilled resources on project basis’ adds Rajnish.
The video was released on Facebook on Easter weekend and has been well appreciated by the online community. Facebook page of “The Urantia Book OutReach Organization” has nearly 6 million followers from various parts of the world. The title of the video is: ‘JESUS – The First Preaching Tour of Galilee’.
Talking about the sequences he says,” There are 7 scenes with large crowd, these presented a technical challenge. The systems were not geared for handling 40-50 animated characters in a single scene. We managed to resolve the issue by using a layering animation technique. The other challenge was on manpower and skill management. The team size budgeted was 18 and some were getting pulled out to work on other assignments with shorter deadlines, so we used this opportunity to cross train people in multiple skills. We work on many animation verticals like television, advertising, education etc. and had to constantly keep work in full speed on all assignments simultaneously. Managing manpower and working on 3-4 projects simultaneously was the biggest challenge”
“Being a Not for Profit Organization the funds were tight. A lot of brain storming and discussions with the client we developed a systematic process flow plan to keep the costs under control and still develop the animation in 3D.”
“We are actively considering the possibility of showcasing it at festivals. The client too is keen to exhibit it and has already started to scout opportunities. We will be doing this as a combined initiative.” He concludes
Source Animation Pvt Ltd is simultaneously working on a 3D series of animated bhajans depicting the growing years of Lord Krishna and his special bond with followers. This series is sponsored by a big Indian business house. Source Animation Pvt Ltd works as project managers on 2D /3D animation production projects from global and local clients in various verticals such as Short Films, Visual Effects, e-learning, mobile apps and also has plans to develop its own IP’s for Television.