Popular series from the anime genre, My Hero Academia, is returning to Japanese TV in the fall for a sixth season. The ongoing TV anime based on the manga by Kohei Horikoshi teases a massive confrontation between heroes and villains in a new video.
The original My Hero Academia manga is serialised in Shueisha’s weekly Shōnen Jump manga magazine, and an English language version is also available from Viz Media. The animated TV series, about a young man struggling to become the greatest superhero in the world, is directed by Masahiro Mukai and produced by Japanese animation studio Bones.
Izuku has dreamt of being a hero all his life—a lofty goal for anyone, but especially challenging for a kid with no superpowers. That’s right, in a world where eighty percent of the population has some kind of super-powered “quirk,” Izuku was unlucky enough to be born completely normal. But that’s not enough to stop him from enrolling in one of the world’s most prestigious hero academies.
The trailer shared by the official channel of Toho animation, showcases the faceoff between the heroes and villains. The video reveals ominous shots of the villains of the show including the turtle-like Spinner, the fire-wielder Dabi and Shigaraki Tomura.
The sixth season of of the popular series will premiere in Fall 2022. The previous five seasons are available on Crunchyroll. My Hero Academia has a dedicated fan base with the series and films based on the popular manga, the most recent film being World Heroes’ Mission, premiered in August 2021.