The animated film, “It’s a Dog’s World,” will be created and produced in collaboration between Matt Flynn’s Random Cow Pictures and Reliance MediaWorks Ltd at the latter’s studios in Mumbai and Chennai, India.
The production will be created at Reliance Mediaworks studios in Mumbai &
Chennai, India.
Pre-production is scheduled to begin this month.
The action-packed “It’s Dog’s World” is a story about an eight-year-old autistic boy Willie Welby who travels to a parallel universe where canines can converse. Written by Matt Flynn and Linda McKinley, “Dog’s World” tracks Willie as he ventures into a magical world where danger – and comical characters – are around every corner.
Flynn is set to direct, with Edward Jarzobski, of Panthera Film Finance, Inc., and creator Kathy Tessalone, executive producing. Thomas Sulka is co-producer. Reliance MediaWorks, a member of the Reliance group (“Lincoln,” “Cowboys and Aliens”), will deliver the production aspects of the animated motion picture.
“The story is fresh, funny, and tugs at your heartstrings. The audience will fall in love with Willie Welby and his colorful canine companions. We are all excited to be working with Reliance Mediaworks,” says Flynn.
Naresh Malik, President – Media &Creative Services of Reliance MediaWorks added, “Being an end-to-end service provider helps us offer our clients a one stop solution. ‘It’s a Dog’s World’ will be an excellent showcase of everyone’s talents.”