Rajshri Entertainment’s animated show, Dr. Binocs Show has recently garnered over one million subscribers on YouTube. Published under its flourishing kid’s entertainment channel, Peekaboo Kidz, Dr. Binocs Show opens a world of exploration and imagination for kids by imparting essential learning through songs and music.
Targeted to kids between five to 10 years, Dr. Binocs Show is quite popular among kids for its colourful and cheerful animation while educating them about various topics to enhance their general knowledge. The show also appeals to parents and teachers, alike, who use it as a teaching tool for topics ranging across Science, Geography, Inventions, Evolution, History, Environmental Studies and so on almost regularly.
Elated on the one million mark for Dr. Binocs Show, Rajshri Entertainment MD Neha Barjatya said in an official statement, “Peekaboo Kidz and Dr. Binocs Show is very special to us. Our constant efforts to make the channel and series as relevant as possible for today’s generation of children has brought such positive results. With the onset of the Coronavirus outbreak, we introduced a comprehensive video about the disease and within two months we touched four million views. Our focus has been to introduce topics that are pertinent to the international audiences and such videos always get the most views. It is surely heartening to have crossed the one million subscriber mark and we aim to continue to bring innovative and educative content so that we are able to expand the engagement as wide and as quickly as possible.”
Owing to the Coronavirus pandemic, online edutainment content consumption has seen a significant rise, as the schools are shut across the globe. Kids and students are resorting to online classes and educational videos, and Dr. Binocs Show is one of them. As Rajshri Entertainment content alliances, licensing and business development VP Inderpal Singh Jaggi informed us, Dr. Binocs Show has witnessed 25 per cent during the pandemic and lockdown that followed.
“During these unprecedented times, creating animated content was more challenging as the teams are working remotely. But they managed to create some great content about the disease during this difficult situation without compromising on the quality. We’re thrilled that our hard work paid off and we crossed four million views in two months. We’ve also been getting a lot of interest from educational institutes so that they can show these videos to their students,” added he.
Dr. Binocs Show not only has a subscriber base of over a million, but also has over 279 million lifetime views. Due to this show, Peekaboo channel garners over 12 to 15 million views every month, as one new video is added per week.
The animated property is also available in multiple languages licensed in China, France and Russia and soon will be licensed for two more languages. Jaggi shared with Animation Xpress, “Dr. Binocs is our flagship kids IP and we are very proud of the content we create with the character. We are overwhelmed with the response with a huge following across various regions. So, we’re also making it available in Spanish and Vietnamese language soon.”
Rajshri Entertainment is also brainstorming on multiple projects and some IPs are in the pipeline. We will announce them as soon as things are normal.