VFX Radaan developing 3D content for TV -

Radaan developing 3D content for TV

Radaan Mediaworks, one of South India’s leading production houses and a frontrunner in content export, is currently developing a 3D based live action thriller for television. Titled Ek Dost Ajab Sa, the series is aimed at pre teens and kids.

Right since its inception, the production major has been interested in 3D character animation apart from regular television production.

Speaking exclusively to Animation ‘xpress, Radaan Mediaworks (I) Director & CEO B.S.Radha Krishnan stated, “Radaan is in dialogue with a leading kid’s channel for a 26 x half hour episode series. We expect it to be way out when compared with the currently on-air kids programmes produced in India, all of which claim tall credits.”

Further commenting on Radaan’s involvement with animation, Radha Krishnan shared, “Apart from Ek Dost…, we are also currently involved in the pre-production of a full length 3D feature on 35 millimetre which is a motion picture based on a south Indian mythology.”

“We prefer 3D and SFX based stories which doesnt involve tons and tons of frames to be rendered (unlike others). We strongly believe in the emotional subtext of the script rather than just tools and software features. ” he added.

Interestingly, early on in his career Radha Krishnan was involved in the distribution of 3D packages in India, viz., 3D Studio and Max as a Value Added Business Partner of Autodesk.He was also invovled in the launch of Newtek’s Lightwave 3D and the introduction of Softimage 3D in the Indian market.

Besides distribution Radha Krishnan was also into the training business. “I started imparting training to a lot of students in South India and set-up the first professional training centre under the banner Truevision in the early 90’s. “commented Radha Krishnan.

Currently, the post production facility at Radaan has 12 suites out of which mostly are discrete edit 6.0s running on matrox digisuite boards. A team consisting of 6 members are currently working on Alias and Combustion running on both standalone systems and branded SGIs with a small rendering farm. The studio also boasts of full fledged aurora based Final Cut Pros for both video and film post and is equipped with 5 acoustically treated fully integrated audio for video suites with Steinberg Nuendo based Digital Audio Work Stations.
