Mumbai based post production biggie Pixion which boasts of a high end infrastructure for DI and other post production services is now expanding into the animation production services space.
Speaking to Animation, Pixion CEO Naresh Malik shared, “We see a great future in animation. If there is an unpredictable upside in our business, it is going to be through animation. At pixion we earlier had 16 seats catering to DI, VFX and other related services. Now we have taken up additional space and ramped up to 40 seats”
“A majority of the new seats are for animation and we are looking to ramp up further” he added.
The post production and motion graphics studio has in the past couple of years created original stylistic animation for clients like VH1, MTV and brands like Thums Up. It now plans to get into working on outsourced long form animation assignments.
“A considerable amount of ad work that you see on-air today is done here at Pixion. To list a few – Cadbury Bytes, SetWet, Add Pens, Samsung Phones, Reliance , Nokia N-72, Reynolds, IDBI etc form part of a long list” shared Malik adding “However, looking forward, we are targeting international assignments and want to get into longform and D2DVD with our final aim being to work on full length animation features”
Currently, besides its DI and post production work for Bollywood and TVCs the studio is also working on the VFX for a Hollywood project.