New ‘Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’ trailer releases along with spoilers

Dragon Ball Super is making its way through theaters with its newest feature film, and to help celebrate Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero in Japan, Toei Animation has released a major spoiler-filled new trailer showing off some of the biggest spots from the new movie. 

With the worldwide launch of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero not hitting outside of Japan until later this summer, it’s been tough for many fans to keep away from all of the big moments while fans online discuss notable beats from the film. Toei Animation has been holding back their promotional materials for this very reason, but that’s changed now that the film is a few weeks into its debut. 

With Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero now rounding out its first month’s run through theaters in Japan, Toei Animation has released a new trailer that shows off many of the major plot points fans can expect to see in action over the course of the new movie.

Many of the beats reports from overseas noted about Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero are fully showcased in the new trailer. This includes full looks at Gohan’s new form, Piccolo’s new form, a returning major villain (and their new form) along with a look at many of the huge battles that take place over the course of the new movie. It’s a trailer that will get any lapsed fans in Japan into the theaters to see the movie, but might be too much for fans waiting on the new movie to kick off its release in North America beginning on 19 August. 

A silver lining of the hack on Toei Animation from earlier this year means that there isn’t such a huge gap in between its initial and overseas releases. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero could have hit Japan back in April, and fans would have seen more than this if that four-month span ended up working out.