Jivanta set to enliven Bangalore gaming scene

The scene is further warming up at the country’s animation hotspot Bangalore. A new animation and game development studio, Jivanta Interactive Technology India Pvt. Ltd has just recently set up shop in the garden city.

nullSpeaking exclusively to Animation ‘xpress, Jivanta India Chief Operating Officer Alok Sood informed, “Additional to having its headquarters in India, Jivanta also has an operational arm in the US. Our focus is the international market and a strong presence in the US is a key differentiator for us”.

He further stated that,”Jivanta is completely dedicated to the interactive digital entertainment market. It offers complete engineering and creative services for developing entertainment content. It supports the major platforms in the market today – PC, web, mobile, PS and XBOX. Over the next 12-18 months we will be partnering with established US publishers and independent developers to bring to the market some marquee gamesâ€?, said Alok.
