Fourth annual Native American Animation Lab to be held in December

The Native American Media Alliance recently announced that they are accepting applications for the fourth annual Native American Animation Lab. The intensive workshop that develops Native American writers, filmmakers and artists for animation projects will take place 5-9 December. 

This lab is designed to offer genuine access for Native Americans exploring the vast field of animation. The submission period for the workshop is now open, 31 October being the final deadline. For more details, aspirants must follow the instructions mentioned in their official website.

As per an official statement, each participant chosen for the lab will workshop an animation project through one-on-one mentoring, group sessions and creative development workshops. The program will conclude with an intensive pitching session for each participant. The purpose of the lab is to further develop the skills of the writers and prepare them for employment in the industry.

This is an in-depth workshop for Native Americans who have a script, treatment, animated film, original comic book, or visual materials they want to develop into an animated television series or feature film.

Applicants will be accepted throughout Native American and indigenous communities from an established network of tribes, non-profit agencies, universities, guilds and media organisations. The overall goal is that the participants garner the skills necessary to obtain employment in film, television and short form animation.

Native American Animation Lab, taking place online, is a five-day program. It consists of the selected participants’ meeting, getting career guidance and learning about the animation industry. The lab participants will meet with working animation personnel and creative executives to offer their background, perspective, and advice.