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Fair amount of Networking at FICCI luncheon

Considering it was held alongside a lot of other ongoing events and meets at MIPCOM, the FICCI Networking Luncheon Session (co-sponsored by Crest, Maya, Graphiti Multimedia & KINFRA) held on the 18th at the Carlton witnessed a good turnout and a fair amount of networking.

Close to 55 professionals from over 42 animation production as well as kids broadcasting outfits attended the Luncheon.

nullSpeaking to Animation ‘xpress, FICCI’s Sumeet Gupta said, “The idea behind organising FICCI Networking Luncheon Session was to showcase the promise and potential of Indian Animation Industry. We had invited Studios who are potential clients of Indian Studios. Some of them were existing clients as well. The respresentatives from Studios from USA, Canada, Australia, Europe and Asia interacted with their Indian counterparts to discuss the business possibilities. The overseas Studios were quite happy to attend the FICCI session as they got an opportunity to meet potential business partners”

Amongst the guests were Mike Young Productions President Mike Young, Abbey Home Media’s Mike Robinson, Nippon Animation Co Director & GM for Intl marketing Masau Kurosu, Spazzmania President Lin Tam (Spazzmania’s Andy Applebutter was a nominee at the MIPCOM Junior Licensing challenge) and Blink Media Designs VP for Business Development Sylvia Lim to name a few.

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