VFX “Fabulous Five” an under production 2D animated episodic series by 24 Media Fusion -

“Fabulous Five” an under production 2D animated episodic series by 24 Media Fusion

Pune based 24 Media Fusion is currently working on its new in-house production 2D animated episodic production “Fabulous Five” (11mins x 26 eps). Based on a contemporary theme and storyline, the show is targeted at children 8-10 years and is created in High Definition (HD).

The series through its treatment focuses on developing the mental faculties of the children by helping them recognize their innate abilities in overcoming different real-world situations.

Fabulous Five is a tale of five friends, who are students of the Metro City School. The story revolves around the chronicles of their life through school days and holidays; tales of their adventures, their smartness & intelligence, flights of imagination and struggle to overcome formidable situations, fending off dangers in their diminutive world. The show is also based on Eli, a cuddly, smart, intelligent, endearing teddy bear who makes the five friends strong & think wittily whenever in crisis.

Fabulous Five depicts realistic nature; portraying the friends as smart & independent kids inspiring the young audience to be as smart, independent & responsible in their own lives as their on screen pals.

Elaborating more on the episodic series Vickrant Argade, who is directing the series at 24 Media Fusion said that, “The entire project is internationally stylized giving it global look and appeal. We wanted the characters, style etc of unique nature and of a cosmopolitan look, unlike specific region such as Asian, European etc which we have succeeded in coming upto. Our team did extensive research on global looking and appealing characters and styles, spent days on developing a bank of different characters to finalize the selected ones. The protagonist of the entire series is a Teddy Bear which is loved by children as well as the grownups to which we wanted the desired look which also was a challenging part to achieve. The project is a result of painstaking efforts over a long period of time involving the inputs of experts from various fields like education, entertainment, animation, sound, etc. This series shall be aired globally as it has that kind of style and appeal. The ideal platform for the series is Cartoon channels, both domestic and international along with all kind of merchandise”.

“This series shall be taken top MIPCOM, Cannes this year to find the right market and distributors. Also we have already commenced talks with a few international and domestic channels and buyers and distributors” he added.

The series is directed and conceptualized by Vickrant Argade, Produced by 24 Media Fusion (P) Ltd., Line Producer-Bhuushan Joshi, Screenplay and Dialogues-Shriniwas N, Animation director- Deepak Wankhede, Project Co-ordinator-Nikhil Garud, Editor- Prasad Dere and few artists including Amruta Kukarni, Medha Jedhe, Sachin Kshirsagar, Radhika, Madhuri.

24 Media Fusion is presently working on a series of episodes to teach Mathematics for school children in a unique fun and learn manner and also an Elearning episodes for an international company engaged in distribution of educational content globally. They even have a script for a Theatrical Movie for the Indian market in the pipeline.
