Hero Inside, the animated blockbuster crafted by the collaborative efforts of Korean powerhouses CJ ENM, Million Volt Animation Studios, Tencent Video and YGG Global, begins to air today, 11 March, in Spain on free-to-air TV children’s channel Boing, and will also be available on Boing App.
DeAPlaneta Entertainment represents the brand across Europe and Latin America, serving as the master licensing agent and media & digital distribution partner of Warner Bros. Discovery, which has the global broadcasting rights of the series. The series is a strong bid by Warner Bros. Discovery to reach a wide age range audience in EMEA and LATAM.
Hero Inside combines adventure, humour and action irresistibly with its animation and unique kind of very human superheroes, who transform their flaws into superpowers. The first season, a collection of 11 episodes, premiered last November in Latin America through Cartoon Network and HBO Max, becoming the fifth-ranked show in the VOD platform and securing the second position in HBO Max TV Shows across 19 Latin American countries, including Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Warner Bros. Discovery, which commissioned the first two seasons of Hero Inside, plans to broadcast the series across multiple Latin American countries this year.
Hero Inside makes any child or teenager’s dream come true: their favourite superhero appears in front of them, in flesh and blood, just by saying their name. The show’s synopsis reads: When Scott mysteriously vanishes, his 100 Heroes in 100 comic books are left scattered throughout the city. Soon, it’s discovered that these comic book Heroes spring to life when Readers summon them, causing strange events. Although there are no villains in Scott’s comic books, the Heroes are compelled to follow the orders of the Readers who possess them, which can unwittingly transform them into villains.
The second season will premiere in multiple territories in the last quarter of 2024.