Anime Studio Pro 10 and Anime Studio Debut 10 now Available

Smith Micro Software, Productivity and Graphics Group has announced the availability of Anime Studio(R) Pro 10 and Anime Studio Debut(R) 10, the most intuitive animation software available that allows artists of all ages and skill levels to craft high-quality 2D animations for personal or professional expression. With enhanced features that provide increased bone control, more movement options and new tools, Anime Studio 10 gives artists improved ways to easily and quickly create stunning animated content.

“We’ve worked with our expert community to both develop new time-saving features and also enhance existing features to give artisans complete control over their all aspects of their work. Anime Studio 10 keeps animators at the forefront of their craft with its drawing tools, bone technology and rendering processes, to name a few,” said Fahim Niaz, senior product manager for Smith Micro Software.

To celebrate the 10(th) edition of Anime Studio, Smith Micro has teamed up with Wacom Technology, makers of digital interface solutions, for a giveaway with no purchase necessary. From March 4(th) , 2014 to April 4(th) , 2014 users can enter for the chance to win a Wacom Cintiq Companion grand prize or a Intuos Pro Medium or Intuos Medium tablet for second and third place prizes. As well, award-winning animator Victor Paredes has created an exclusive animation clip with Anime Studio 10, highlighting the various ways users can utilize preloaded content available immediately in the software.

“Anime Studio 10 interacts seamlessly with Wacom tablets for an intuitive and natural-feeling animation experience,” said Don Varga, professional products brand director for Wacom Technology. “Wacom’s pen and touch tablets work so well with Anime Studio that we wanted to share the experience with Anime Studio fans, commemorating the launch of Anime Studio 10 with a Cintiq Companion, Intuos Pro Medium and Intuos Medium tablet giveaway.”

Anime Studio Pro 10 is the perfect addition to any experienced artist’s repertoire. The latest bone features include rigging options to help set up more complex characters. The independent angle constraints allows bones to keep their global angle and are not affected by inverse kinematics, while the squash and stretch feature allows bones to retain their shape and direction as they move. The new Smart Bone Dials allow users to set up movement templates for characters — simply select the bones, adjust to the desired angle, input the duration and name the movement.

Anime Studio Debut 10 introduces users to the world of 2D animation with useful tools and elements that allow any graphic artist to produce work of the same caliber as experienced animators. New design tools such as the Paint Bucket, Blob Brush, Eraser and Reduce Points make it painless to manipulate objects into desired shapes.

“Anime Studio 10 is among the best animation products on the market as it is both powerful and easy to use with tools that users of all skill levels can harness,” said Victor Paredes, renowned award-winning Anime Studio artist of Fluor Films. “Software features such as the Bone Constraints and Smart Bone Dials allow animators to quickly, efficiently and cost effectively bring their imaginations to life with the utmost control. I was thrilled to work with the new content and characters when creating the Anime Studio 10 animated clip and hope that fellow animators enjoy them as much as I did.”