Anifest ’05 beckons Animators

nullThere is a great amount of activity happening around animation lately. While the business of Animation is going to be discussed in detail at FRAMES from 4-6 April, Come 16 April and more than 200 professional animators and students are expected to participate at the TASI, Asifa India organised Anifest’05.

A special screening has been lined up as part of the festivities and the organisers have invited entries for the same. The entries (2D, 3D, Flash, Clay animation) have to be non commercial in nature and can be from 30 seconds to infinity. The last date for recieving the entries is 5 April 2005.

The entries can be sent to the TASI office at

TASI – Film Anifest’05
287 S.V. ROAD
MUMBAI 400-050

Speaking to Animation ‘xpress, TASI spokesperson Ranjit Singh commented that,”We have been recieving enquiries and entries for Anifest ’05 from all corners of the country”

We at Animation ‘xpress suggest that all you budding animators out there ought to pull up your socks and send in your entries fast. Make the most out of Anifest ’05, A festival of animators, for animators.