Set to be moderated by renowned filmmaker Kireet Khurana, Frameboxx is gearing up to launch a webinar featuring Dr Max Howard who was at the role of Senior Vice President at Disney and was instrumental in overseeing various aspects of the production of Lion King many others.
Ace Animation Producer, head of leading Hollywood Animation studios and a highly respected leader in the Animation Industry, Dr. Max Howard is an icon in his own right. In his illustrious journey, he has been associated with many milestone animated movies, which carved their own niche in the Animation history. To name a few Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Pocahontas, Space Jam and The Iron Giant. He recently completed 100% Wolf, the animated movie.
Since Khurana has directed India’s first 3D Animation and live action combined movie Toonpur Ka Superrhero starring Ajay Devgn and Kajol and won six President’s National awards & 14 International awards, it is set to be a trailblazing discourse on the craft and mettle of animation that will mark the convergence of the most prolific minds from the east and the west.
As a firm believer of the notion of giving back to the society, Howard often shares his wealth of industry knowledge and insights at various art schools, universities and festivals. Moreover, he also works with UNICEF to make social messages for developing countries, through medium of Animation.
He is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (Oscars) and BAFTA. To felicitate such gigantic help and support to the Animation industry, he is honored by ‘Doctor of Arts’ Degree from Teesside University, UK.
Over the years, he’s donned many hats in his career. Having been the Sr. Vice President of Walt Disney Feature Animation, president of Warner Bros. Feature Animation, executive producer of DreamWorks SKG, founder of Melwood Pictures, producer of Exodus Film Group and owner of Max Howard Consulting Group, he’s indeed one of the most noted veterans of the Animation Industry.
This webinar will be live Q&A between Max and Kireet. At the end of webinar, questions of online attendees will also be answered. You can tune into this webinar on 20 June 2020 (Saturday) at 11:30 am. You can click on this webinar link for more information :