VAM GOG Galaxy 2.0 allow users to organise their gaming subscriptions in a single place

GOG Galaxy 2.0 allow users to organise their gaming subscriptions in a single place

It is a nightmare for PC users, keeping multiple gaming clients organised, thus many have found GOG’s  organizing tool, GOG Galaxy, has helped them to organise all of their DRM-free games alongside their games from multiple DRM services.  GOG Galaxy 2.0 update five now allows user to organise their gaming subscriptions in a single place, for example if you’re subscribing to a game like World of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, or Final Fantasy XIV, then GOG Galaxy can help keep all of that in one place.

Update 5 also lets you link multiple executables to any game, and you can customise them with your own launch parameters, too. This should be handy for modding, cheats and playing different versions of a game, like 64-bit or 32-bit variants.

Other new additions include using custom sorting titles to organise your games, UI improvements and better scrolling, as well as a bunch of fixes.

GOG announced that the new client, which has been in open beta since late last year, would soon be launching, replacing the old GOG Galaxy, but there’s still no date for that yet. If you use GOG Galaxy 1.2, you won’t see these changes, but anyone can update to the beta version. I highly recommend it, since it’s light years ahead of its predecessor (and Steam, Epic, Origin and so on) and is largely problem free.