Dubai’s KHDA shares comic on awareness about Coronavirus

Dubai’s education regulator, the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), through Twitter shared an informative comic for kids (and adults) to expel any fears they may have about the Covid-19 outbreak. Originally published by the American National Public Radio (NPR) two days ago, the eight-page comic is titled Exploring the new Coronavirus – a comic just for kids.

KHDA said, “To make sure everyone in Dubai stays safe, all internal and external gatherings at private schools and universities in Dubai have been cancelled. This includes camps, sports, and trips. This is a precautionary action only. Safety is always our top priority.”

The comic talks about how the new virus doesn’t discriminate on the basis of a person’s country – so it’s important we all follow healthy practices and gave advice on personal hygiene to keep the germs at bay. educates kids on the various symptoms of Covid -19, including a dry, itchy cough, fever, and breathing difficulty. It said, “And there aren’t a lot of cases in kids. If kids get the virus, it tends to be very mild.” KHDA tweeted pages comparing the impact of the virus to the flu.