Kidscreen Summit sets a new attendance record

Experiencing a five per cent increase in registrations again this year, Kidscreen Summit 2020 brought together 2,200-plus attendees earlier this month for four days of intense business networking and professional learning, with significant growth from Europe and North America.

A 9 per cent bump in delegates from Europe and North America—as well as increases from Russia (up 58 per cent), South Africa (up 45 per cent) and South America (up nine per cent)—contributed meaningfully to the event’s overall growth.

Kidscreen Summit 2021 will take place from 7 to 11 February at the Inter Continental Miami, and registration is set to open in early July.

The event’s unique positioning as a conference and a market lets its attendees customise their experience to suit their own goals and priorities. Offering an unparalleled conference program and networking opportunities, Kidscreen Summit is the perfect place to learn about the latest trends, issues and opportunities and connect with the industry’s top decision-makers.