VAM Lawtoons' second comic to be published by year end

Lawtoons’ second comic to be published by year end

Keeping in mind the need to make kids know more about the citizenship, democracy, laws and rights but not through the boring and dull civics textbooks is quite a task! Understanding their likes and creating something interesting yet informative is what Lawtoons co-founder Kanan Dhru focuses on.

Lawtoons is a fun way of making kids know about the basic concepts of government and the laws and rights of our country. The first edition of Lawtoons covering the Fundamental Rights was a hit among the kids. Not just the children, but their parents too loved the way the laws and rights were explained in the most simplest and understanding way.

Talking to AnimationXpress, Dhru said, “Kids were so happy with the first comic and excited about the second that they would ask parents to call me and ask when the next comic will be coming. It feels so nice.”

With a huge success behind the first edition, Dhru is working on the content of the second and third editions as well, with the second being in the final stage. It will cover five stories talking about the environmental law, animal rights, and system of government, including the basic concepts like panchayat, court, government or democracy.

Kanan Dhru

The comic is illustrated by Ahmed Sikander and is targeted towards the age group of 10 to 14 years covering everything that a kid should know to be a good citizen. Lawtoons also has a kids’ panel which hears the stories before they are processed further for illustrating. “It gets easier to create the content after taking feedback from the desired audience,” says Dhru.

Dhru plans to create content for the third comic surrounding the sensitive topic of sexual harassment against children. With the hesitation of parents to discuss this topic forefront with their kids, comics would play a better role in making kids understand the issue and how to be careful in the same regards.

“I am growing with the characters, understanding the thought process and enjoying the experience of narrating the story and seeing the characters grow,” Dhru added. “The third edition can be expected around the same time next year as am keen on talking about this issue with the younger generation.”

You can also meet the Lawtoons team at this year’s Comic-Con India. With second comic on the verge of completion, Dhru and Sikander’s efforts will make it to the shelves probably by this year end.