Hungama TV ties up with Indiagames

nullJohn Abraham seems to have a way with kids! Inn an event organised by Hungama TV on 1 September, the actor bid farewell to the outgoing Hungama TV Captains of 2004-2005 at a fun filled event where the Captains, who comprised the board of directors of the channel had the opportunity to chat up with the hunk.

The event also saw Hungama TV programming head Zarina Mehta make an announcement on the mobile gaming space as she announced Hungama TV’s association with Indiagames.

The Captains had the opportunity to contribute towards the working of the channel. They played a significant role in the phenomenal success of the channel, providing key inputs on programming and promotion. The hunt for the Captains of 2005-2006 across major cities is currently on to select seven kids from across India to be part of Hungama TV’s advisory board and to be the faces of the channel.

Mehta said, “Indian kids are more tech-savvy today than ever before. Close to 77.6 per cent of teens in India who use the Internet play or download games from the Internet. Through Indiagames, kids and even adults now have an interactive, fun-filled mobile version of their favourite channel.”