Overwatch’s new comic sets pace for its upcoming event

Blizzard is at it again!

Finding its mark in almost every game award ceremony last year, Blizzard’s character-based shooter, Overwatch was undoubtedly one of the best games of the year.

Not only has the game been accepted pretty humbly by the consumers, but also has managed to keep the game dotted with events and steady releases, while not making it too cluttered.

The company has been steadily releasing insights to the back-story or lore of Overwatch. Recently, they teased an event that will completely unravel on 11 April, and has something to do with the ‘King’s Row uprising’.

Overwatch, game director, Jeff Kaplan also revealed that an upcoming comic related to the event would be one of the best ones till now. The now-released comic is indeed one of the best. Not only does it gives us a glimpse into the earlier days of Overwatch, but also sets a good pace for the upcoming lore-based event.

According to the new comic titled ‘Uprising’, King’s Row has been taken over by an extremist group of omnics where McCree is stuck as well. Now, commander Morrison (Soldier 76) must decide whether to intervene or not as they have been advised by the authorities to stay out of the matter. However, he decides to send a team of Mercy, Tracer, Reinhardt and Torbjorn to check the situation.

Kaplan has also confirmed that there will be a new skin for Widowmaker, however we can see a number of heroes in different Avatars, like Genji and Tracer. So, it would be hard to say which ones will be having new skins.

The event starts on 11 April, 2017.