VFX Toon Boom makes animation easier by launching Harmony 14 -

Toon Boom makes animation easier by launching Harmony 14

Toon Boom Animation, the Canadian animation software company, has released Harmony 14 today. The company specialises in animation production and storyboarding software and caters to various artists with user friendly softwares and their upgrades.

Harmony 14 provides additional tools for artists and an enhanced 3D workflow to streamline creative development and animation production. It is available in three editions – Essentials, Advanced and Premium – Harmony is the ideal solution for artists creating feature films, episodic series, games development, webisodes, and explainer videos.

Harmony 14

The extensive characteristics of Harmony 14 are:-

Deep Image Compositing – Take quality to a new level when you render 2D with 3D in Harmony. Support for rendered images from Arnold and Renderman that include deep pixel information allows artists to seamlessly composite 2D characters with 3D elements.

Animate 3D – Streamline production with new tools to animate your 3D models and their individual parts directly in Harmony – no more back and forth with 3D software. Artists have more creative control when integrating 3D elements with 2D characters in a unified environment.

Sync Layer for drawings – Be more efficient when animating your rig with unlimited art layers that are always in sync. Great for advanced rigs and effects creation, Sync Layer is a simple but powerful way for artists to build the look they want, using as many layers as they need.

Outline Mode – Reveal drawings that are behind other layers without losing reference to the drawing above. This enhancement provides a better and faster way for artists to work in complex scenes.

Pricing and Availability                                                                                                  

Harmony 14 software is now available for customers with Desktop Subscription or a Perpetual license with Support. Free, full-featured trials of Harmony are available online.

Nelvana, senior technical producer, Michael Lahay said, “The 3D toolset within Harmony 14 has provided our creative teams the freedom to develop projects which would have been impossible in the past on a television budget. By placing this power in the hands of the artists, we are discovering new creative ways to reduce costs while not compromising on the creative.”