The Mumbai based studio, HopMotion Animation’s web series ‘Modern Activity’ written by Anish Patel, Carmen Zainabadi and Aarsh Vora is back with a bang.
The series revolves that around four fifth grade students namely, Savio Miranda, Burges Gyara, Naim Kajalwalla and Kartik Mehta this time features a very hot and vivacious superstar.
Savio Miranda and the odd bunch of fifth graders are against everything PG 13. This time the scoundrels are looking to get into some serious R rated trouble, when they bunk class and leave to crash adult star Bobby Leone’s photoshoot. But following them is their Hindi Professor Mr. Tripathi, he is a man on a mission and is hell bent on busting the boys.
Modern Activity
They are every teacher’s worst nightmare: black-listers, backbenchers, the defamed four, potty mouthed ruffians who are interested in all things adult and foul. They are here to take their South Bombay school Modern Activity by storm. The business minded Gujju Kartik Mehta, the motor mouth Maka Pav Savio Miranda, the malai maska loving apro scraedy cat Bawaji Burges Gyara and the numb as a knuckle Naim Kajalwalla makeup the terror brigade of standard five.
For this irreverent bunch school is no place for rules. Chaos and anarchy form the norm and they are here to take us on not-so-childish roller-coaster misadventures.
Also read:
HopMotion looks to expand with backing from Sphereorigins Multivision
Watch HopMotion Animation’s first webisode from the animated series ‘Modern Activity’
HopMotions’ animated web show’Modern Activity’s second teaser launch – Exclusive