Prime Focus provides Editing and Packaging for Rajnigandha ‘Silver Pearls’ TVC

Rajnigandha’s latest commercial featuring Priyanka Chopra has been executed at Prime Focus. With the commercial, Dharampal Satyapal Group launched Rajnigandha ‘Silver Pearls’ that carries the tagline ‘Achaikiekalag hi chamakhotihai’ (Goodness has a special shine to it).

The commercial was directed by Lloyd Baptista and produced by 7 Films for Dentsu Marcom. The edit and the packaging of the commercial were supervised by Prakash Kurup, Prime Focus’ Co- founder and Creative Director (Advertising) and his team. Commenting on the commercial Prakash Kurup said, “While editing, it was important to portray the humane side of Priyanka Chopra’s character rather than amplifying her stardom. All in all, it was a good experience.”

Ravi Sharma, Prime Focus’ Senior Online Artist adds, “The film was color corrected to look grand yet bring out subtly, the emotional side of Priyanka Chopra. There was huge amount of beautification done to the commercial online. Some of the key wide shots required crowd multiplication to enhance the overall scale of the shot. Some of the Priyanka scenes were shot using a body double against green screen due to non-availability of the actor at all locations. It was later put together on online against the different location plates seamlessly. It was a bit of a challenge to merge the green screen shots with the separately shot plates, but we well achieved it as per the look and feel.”

Prime Focus

Creative Directors- Prakash Kurup and Huzefa Lokhandwala
Online Artist: Ravi Sharma
Assistant Offline: Navneet Pant
Assistant Online: Raju Reddy
Modeler: Ashish Jadhav & Jiger Patel
Texturing Artist: Kinjal Panchal
Compositor: Ketan Kale
Senior Line Producer: Sagar Bhanushali
Line Producer: Sachin Shetty


Client: Dharampal Satyapal Group
Agency: Dentsu Marcom
NCD’s: Titus Upputuru and Sunita Prakash
Production House: 7 Films
Director: Lloyd Baptista
Producer: Ruchi Mehta
DOP: Linus Eklund
Romania Line Production: Family Film Production Giuliano Doman IanaOpran
Line Producer: Kamil Md. Ali / Mohd Liyakat Ali
Art Director: Meenal Agarwal
Costume Stylist: Saachi Vijaywargia
Music Director: Hanif Shaikh
Sound Engineer: Arun Crasto
Post Supervisor: Vijay Kumar