In a groundbreaking collaboration between AnimationXpress, 88 Pictures, and Zebu Animation, the Animation Creators Pitch (ACP) initiative has become a beacon for aspiring animators and storytellers.
The inaugural edition of the ACP, held during the Animation and More Summit 2023, provided a platform for directors, creative artists, students, professionals, and filmmakers to present their innovative story ideas. Nagesh Chakilam, one of the participants whose pitch was selected for production by Zebu Animation, will soon see his story come to life.
A story from the heart
Chakilam’s pitch is deeply personal, inspired by his experiences during the pandemic. “I lost my grandfather during the pandemic, which made me realise the importance of life,” he explained. His story addresses the critical issue of self-harm and suicide stemming from stress and depression. “In a world with viruses and pandemics, living a healthy life itself is a blessing, and we should value it.”
Zebu Animation’s founder and creative director Veerendra Patil felt that Chikalam has chosen a subject that demands attention. “It’s important to foster and maintain an environment where individuals facing challenges feel encouraged and supported to seek help. Creating such a space can empower them to confront and overcome their personal demons,” Patil said. Incidentally, Patil is also Chikalam’s boss at Zebu Animation.
The experience of a lifetime
Participating in the ACP was a significant milestone for Chakilam. Visiting Mumbai for the first time, he found the experience both educational and inspiring. “It was a lot of fun attending sessions and workshops at the Animation and More Summit 2023. I had the chance to speak with some amazing people in the animation field and gain insights into new methods and approaches,” he reflected. Despite his initial anxieties, especially with his own boss as one of the judges, Chakilam’s preparation paid off.
“I was thoroughly impressed by Nagesh’s commitment to his ideas,” exclaimed Patil. “Seeing him so passionately engaged in discussing his story was a remarkable experience.”
Bringing the idea to life
Chikalam and the team at Zebu are currently writing and designing the film. “Given the nature of the topic, we’ve brought a psychologist on board to ensure a nuanced and informed approach, steering clear of amateur interpretations,” revealed Patil. “We’re on track to commence production soon, with the goal of completing the film in time for the upcoming edition of ACP.”
Even with 3D modelling as his sole experience, Chikalam will see himself as part of all the stages of his film’s development, from the design to the final render. “With the help of our full fledged team at Zebu Animation Studios, I want to contribute as much as possible,” he said. “I am grateful to Zebu and AnimationXpress for creating a platform where anybody can pitch their stories irrespective of their professions.”
Putting yourself out there
Chikalam’s journey to ACP began when his HR manager, Shabnam, encouraged him to seize this “once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity.” Her words motivated him to prepare rigorously for the pitch. Similarly, he too encourages other aspiring animators to put themselves out there and tell their stories. “I was also worried that my submission wouldn’t get shortlisted, but I just told myself to stop overthinking and pitched my idea,” he advised.
Patil’s experience judging ACP
During ACP, Patil found himself being carried away by the energy of the moment. “The ideas that deeply resonated with the creators at the pitch, were those drawn from introspection and their own life experiences. They sought to tell stories that were not just compelling, but also necessary and personal to them.”
For Patil, the ACP initiative aligns with Zebu’s long-term goals. “Our mission is to actively participate in India’s indie animation scene, and we eagerly look forward to opportunities where we can make a meaningful contribution,” he highlighted.
Need for platforms like ACP
Patil believes that it is crucial to establish platforms like ACP for mentoring animators and storytellers. “By broadening our team to include other experts, we can transform this concept into a true incubator for innovative ideas,” he asserted.
The Animation Creators Pitch has proven to be a transformative platform for animators like Chakilam. Through this initiative, his heartfelt story will soon come to life, inspiring others and contributing to the rich tapestry of animation in India.
Submissions for the second edition of Animation Creators Pitch are now open. Learn more about the pitch and submit your idea here: Animation Creators Pitch: Unleash Your Imagination