VAM Nightmare Forge Games to bring Mickey-inspired horror game 'Infestation: Origins' -

Nightmare Forge Games to bring Mickey-inspired horror game ‘Infestation: Origins’

Nightmare Forge Games announced an upcoming Mickey Mouse-inspired horror-game Infestation 88. The copyright on Disney’s cartoon film Steamboat Willie featuring Mickey and Minnie Mouse expired this January and the characters entered the public domain.

The copyright was mainly set to expire in 1984, but Disney has been lobbying since then to extend it. Now anyone in the U.S. can use this version of Mickey Mouse without facing any copyright infringement.

The official synopsis of the game reads: In the 1980s, what was thought to be an outbreak of vermin in various locations morphed into something far more sinister. Infestation: Origins is an episodic, four player co-op survival horror game in which you and your friends are exterminators called in to treat mysterious infestations caused by twisted versions of classic characters and urban legends.

Following a backlash, regarding the use of number 88 citing Neo-Nazi reference, the developers have renamed the game as Infestation: Origins. They were not aware of any significance of this number and had used it to refer to the year 1988.

The new game would have the following stages:

Find the source – In this game, players will have to explore unique locations and uncover the story behind how each infestation began. They need to find the means to access and unlock new areas, use cameras to keep an eye on activity. Also, they have to maintain power to enable different systems and find the source at all costs.

Treat the infestation – Players need to utilise a variety of extermination gear to subdue the outbreak. Then eradicate all nests and monstrous fiends lurking throughout. Also, run when they can, hide, help their friends and don’t fall victim to the infestation’s spread.

Survive – Players must prepare to face and eliminate a horrific entity, with each episode containing a distinct classic character or urban legend responsible for the infestation.

The new game based on Mickey Mouse is in its development stage for the PC version.