Warner Bros. Discovery marks ‘Tom and Jerry’s 83rd birthday with special shows

The chase comedy Tom and Jerry has been imparting life lessons on love, relationship, fight, and enmity for years. On the 83rd birthday of the beloved duo, Cartoon Network celebrated the day by airing amazing shows. The classic animated series ensures taking the viewers down the memory lane besides entertaining this generation kids.

Tom and Jerry started their journey under the names Jasper and Pee-Wee in an animated short film Puss Gets the Boot created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera on 10 February 1940. The characters started to gain popularity as the short received its first Oscar nomination. However, the names ‘Tom’ and ‘Jerry’ were first established in The Midnight Short. And in 1943,  The Yankee Doodle Mouse, an animated short which features Tom and Jerry chasing each other in a pseudo-warfare style and makes numerous references to World War II technology, won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film. And finally, The Tom and Jerry Show first appeared on Television in 1975.

Cartoon Network India celebrated Tom and Jerry’s Birthday Bash today from 9:30 am – 11:30 am and The Tom and Jerry Show aired from Monday to Friday.

Cartoon Network’s long running, classic chase comedy at heart, The Tom and Jerry Show is just not an animated cartoon series but a global phenomenon for generations. The cult show became an integral part of everyone’s childhood with its immersive storyline and misadventures. Inspiring umpteen possibilities, the characteristics of Tom and Jerry and their relationship gave way to a mischievous bond reinforced by precisely timed gags, nuanced facial expressions, and genius musical scores loved by billions.

Academy Awards’ most lauded animated short became a household name depicting the gleeful contests that took the kids as well as adults on a fun ride to experience the excitement of chase across the house and beyond. Their charm and cheekiness remain unmatched in cartoon rivalries due to the heart of their relationship being a playful bond that signifies unity for mutual fun and frolic.

While Tom and Jerry always held centre stage, characters such as Spike, Tyke, Tuffy, Quacker and members of The Alley Cat Gang also became integral parts of the show with love and affection pouring in from audiences. These characters play a special role in the show and make for even greater entertainment, keeping us all hooked.