China Bridge Content’s animated children’s comedy ‘Buffalo Nanny’ to arrive in 2024

New York-based content and consulting firm China Bridge Content recently announced their upcoming project be the children’s animated comedy Buffalo Nanny. The show which is currently under development is scheduled to release in the second quarter of 2024.

Company’s founder & president Josh Selig’s show aimed at children from preschool to age seven is about joy, chaos and comedy of taking care of a fearless, agile and rambunctious baby girl. As reported by Animation Magazine, the show was inspired by the personal experience of Selig and his wife, Chen Chen, raising their own baby daughter.

The official synopsis reads: Bebop is a mischievous — and very fast — baby who loves to explore and get involved in anything and everything. Her devoted caregiver, a gentle water buffalo named Otis, has his hooves full trying to keep her safe and out of trouble! Each day, Otis picks up Bebop from her family’s home and they head off to the beach, a museum or a playdate… where things soon spin out of control due to Bebop’s free-spirited nature.

Once, Otis took Bebop to a local farm where she climbed onto the back of an ostrich and led a stampede of sheep, goats and chickens through the middle of town! Another time, Otis took Bebop to watch a space launch and Bebop managed to crawl into the rocket and blast off to Saturn! Whatever happens, Otis always manages to corral Bebop and bring her safely back home.

Buffalo Nanny was designed in Kingston, Jamaica by Gary and Kenny Plummer (Peaches & Creaminal) and created by Chen Chen (Peaches & Creaminal, Luo Bao Bei) and Selig (Wonder Pets! Small Potatoes). David McWane of ska-punk band Big D and the Kids Table has written and performed the theme song. The show features an educational curriculum with a focus on ‘First Times’ and ‘Community.’

Image courtesy: China Bridge Content’s website