Warner Bros. Discovery’s Access Canada and Think Tank Online renew the  Doers and Dreamers Scholarship for 2023 

Warner Bros. Discovery’s Access Canada team renewed their support of the Doers and Dreamers digital arts scholarship for a second year. Through this sponsorship, five selected participants will be granted full-time tuition scholarships to attend Think Tank Online’s 64- week signature program, starting 6 February 2023. The Doers and Dreamers Digital Arts Scholarship is a talent development initiative focused on Canadian artists from underrepresented communities in Canada, including members of Indigenous, Black, racialized groups, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ2+ communities. 

The program CG Asset Creation for Film or Games is designed to teach students how to layer essential technical skills with original artistic ideas, master real-world software, and develop an industry-ready  portfolio. Highly personalized, hands-on, and entirely online, this program helps young artists gain the  crucial skills and connections needed to launch a rewarding career in the entertainment industry. 

“Having just completed their final project for term one, the finalists from last year’s scholarship are well on  their way to elevating their art and making an impact on the creative industry. They’ve all shown incredible dedication and perseverance, as well as an adaptability to the rigors that comes with a full-time education. By re-partnering with WBD Access Canada, we are able to once again extend this opportunity to those who have been historically underrepresented throughout Canada. It’s our goal that through such initiatives we can help foster a more  inclusive, equitable, and diverse industry that empowers artists of all backgrounds and identities. We look forward to what will surely be another excellent round of Doers and Dreamers applications for 2023,” said Think Tank co-founder Scott Thompson.

“We are thrilled to be partnering with Think Tank on this successful career building initiative for  a second year. Learning and creating in a safe and inclusive environment that breaks down  systemic barriers is what our work is all about,” said Warner Bros. Discovery’s Access Canada team executive director Melanie Nepinak Hadley.

The five participants of Doers and Dreamers ‘23 will receive a full-time tuition scholarship for Think Tank’s signature online program, CG Asset Creation for Film or Games. Guided by supervisors and  mentors who themselves are industry pros, students will take part in live tutorials, collaborative sessions, and pre-recorded lessons via Think Tank’s interactive teaching platform, portal.  

The application window for the scholarship runs from 31 October at 9:00 am to 30 November at 8:59 pm (EST).