‘Star Trek: Resurgence’ video game postponed till April 2023

A new date has been set for the release of the upcoming Star Trek video game Star Trek: Resurgence. The new video game from producer Dramatic Labs will now launch in April 2023 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC via the Epic Games Store. The game was originally scheduled to debut this year.

The announcement post on Twitter reads: “Production has been advancing steadily all summer, but we have made the difficult decision to move our release date out of 2022 in order to give the game a final coat of polish, and create a truly immersive Star Trek experience. We are planning to release Star Trek: Resurgence in April 2023 on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.”

The statement continues, “Our love and admiration for Star Trek is instrumental to this decision. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished so far, and this continues to be a passion project for everyone here. We are incredibly grateful and excited to be able to work within a universe that means so much to so many.”

Resurgence is set after the events of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and tells the story from the alternating perspectives of two different characters – First Officer Jara Rydek and Engineering Crewperson Carter Diaz – with gameplay supposedly consisting of playable cinematic sequences.