VFX Safe In Our World celebrates second anniversary on World Mental Health Day -

Safe In Our World celebrates second anniversary on World Mental Health Day

Videos games mental health charity, Safe In Our World has announced a series of initiatives to celebrate its second anniversary on World Mental Health Day 2021, with a year of achievement in scaling both the charity and its outward community and industry programmes.

From expanding the initial target of training 50 community managers to delivering mental health first aid training to nearly 200 community managers globally by the end of 2021, funded by Jingle Jam 2020, every initiative undertaken by the charity now has room to expand and reach more people than ever before. And with 80+ studios, publishers and developers signed up as Level Up Partners, committed to positive change within the industry and within their own businesses, a bespoke partner hub was delivered in the second half of 2021; delivering more information, training, and resources to more employees than ever. In addition, in May 2021 at the height of the last Covid-19 lockdown, the charity launched the Safer Together Discord channel, including a forum for community managers, aimed at bringing the video games community closer together.

“We are enormously proud of the work our fantastic team and a long list of supporters, from Ambassadors to Trustees, have achieved in the last year. We’ve gone from a Trustee-led organisation to a charity with multiple employees and initiatives that make a huge difference in the lives of so many. This was always the plan, and we would like to thank the community, industry, and all those involved directly for their hard work, commitment and drive to deliver exceptional programs and real-world impact on behalf of Safe In Our World,” said Safe In Our World co-founder and chairperson Leo Zullo. 

Safe In Our World has invited the videogames community to celebrate these milestones together, both on the official website, as well as via social channels and the Safer Together Discord.

In the two years since Safe In Our World formed, the charity has united the industry with its campaign for the removal of stigma around mental health and ensure gamers and teams can find the right support. Over 80 of the biggest gaming companies having joined to forward the charities mission ongoing activities.