VFX Is it possible to work and travel at the same time? -

Is it possible to work and travel at the same time?

Thanks to developing technology, there are many things we can do remotely. For example, we no longer have to go to Las Vegas to play casino games: wherever we are, we can sign up for a real money casino site and start playing immediately. One of the things that can be done remotely is working. You don’t have to be in an office to do most jobs in the modern world.

In fact, if you choose the right jobs, you can continue to travel and earn money at the same time. This lifestyle is called “digital nomadism,” and hundreds of thousands of people currently work and travel this way. So, which jobs are more suitable for such a lifestyle?

Start by Setting Your Priority

Do you want to work and be able to travel whenever you want, or do you want to keep working while you travel? These two are quite different from each other. If you want to work remotely and be able to travel whenever you want without having to ask permission from anyone, you are a freelancer. Freelancers make their own travel plans freely and can continue to work while on the road, but their main purpose is not to travel constantly.

Digital nomads, on the other hand, travel constantly and work to earn the necessary money throughout their journey. Travelling is their main priority. Working is just something they do to budget for their lifestyle. Both working styles are possible, but suitable jobs will vary depending on your preferred style. For example, an IT manager can work remotely and as a freelancer, but it is not possible for them to be a digital nomad. You already know what freelancer jobs look like, so let’s focus on digital nomadism. Which jobs are suitable for this lifestyle?

Making Music

Making music may be the easiest thing to do while travelling. With an instrument that is easy to carry with you, you can earn money anywhere in the world. Even if you don’t know how to play an instrument, learning 1-2 songs will help you make money in places where people are constantly passing by. Moreover, in this way, you can have a completely different experience and increase your self-confidence by making music in front of people you do not know.

Making and Selling Accessories

There are many accessories you can make with easy-to-carry materials: bracelets, necklaces, earrings, wallets, etc. All of them will be very easy to make and sell at the same time. You can even sell them to other passengers, for example, while travelling by train. Especially accessories specific to Asian countries such as “evil eye” beads attract a lot of attention.

Working in Volunteer Projects

During your travels, you can find jobs and work as a volunteer at sites such as Wwoof (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms). The jobs you will find on these sites will often not make enough money, but you can save a lot as you do not have to spend on accommodation, food and beverage. In addition, the jobs you will find here will enable you to make new friends and create a network. In this context, do not forget that you can also benefit from EU projects such as the European Voluntary Service. Thanks to these projects, your expenses such as accommodation, food, air tickets, and pocket money are covered by a fund, and you can still travel in your spare time.

Working Simple Online Jobs

There are many simple online jobs you can do with a laptop and a camera. You can write articles, take and sell photos for stock sites, translate articles, and even design personal sites. All these jobs will allow you to earn enough for your trip with 5-6 hours of work per day.

Creating a Blog

If you have a blog, you can both share the information you have gained from your travels with people and earn money. Making money by blogging is not easy, and you may need to work on other jobs until you get a certain amount of recognition. But once you have enough followers, they will help you a lot to earn the money you need to travel.

Using the Job Opportunities in the Countries You Visit

You can also earn money by taking advantage of the job opportunities available in some of the countries you travel to. In most countries, there are many jobs that tourists can do as well. For example, in some Asian countries, tourists can easily find a job as English teachers. It is also possible to work as a waiter and/or dishwasher in countries such as Canada and America. Such simple jobs will soon make you earn enough money to continue your journey.