Nekki releases new version of physics-based 3D animation Cascadeur with major improvements

With the recent release of Early-Access-V2 (EA-2), Nekki expands the function scope of its character animation tool Cascadeur by a row of features. Firstly a new Graph Editor offers Cascadeur users a more intuitive approach to manipulating animation curves and keys in scenes. Secondly the software now also contains its own integrated Tween Machine function, which cuts down the amount of work it takes to create good breakdown poses. Both newly introduced functions – especially the Graph Editor, which is still in alpha stage – will be improved in future updates.

Furthermore, the developers improved the Interval Edit mode in EA-2 to support copy & paste functionality – which makes it possible to mix and blend animations inside the tool.  Cascadeur’s unique AutoPhysics tools have been further enhanced as well: In addition to a general speed improvement, animations in which the character does not lift off the ground are now staged more realistically.

The list of other new features in Cascadeur EA-2 includes:.
– A character direction controller was added to the AutoPosing tool. Character parts in AutoPosing behave more independently now.
– A new mode for the direction controller („pole vector“), which fixes its global position
– New templates for standard rigs in Cascadeur’s quick rigging tool
– Hotkeys will now work with different language keyboards
Mirror planes visualization
New AutoPhysics feature: fulcrum groups
– An early alpha version of Spline IK interpolation

Nekki is always touted to emphasise that Cascadeur is a productive tool for professionals, but that it is also aimed at animation beginners. With this in mind, the company is also presenting a new entry-level animation tutorial video with the EA-2 release.

Under the title “Your first animation in 5 Minutes”, Cascadeur CTO Alexander Grishanin personally explains how even absolute beginners can create three highly realistic jump animations – in just a few minutes of effective working time. Nevertheless, the tutorial can also be instructive for experienced users, as it is the first tutorial to demonstrate Cascadeur’s powerful AI-controlled AutoPosing and AutoPhysics tools using concrete examples:

Cascadeur EA-2, with all new features and improvements mentioned above, is now available for download on In addition to the still valid 50 per cent early access price discount for commercial customers, Nekki also offers a completely free version called “Cascadeur Basic” for private users, indies and students.