‘Monster Hunter Rise’ shows off new monsters and a demo date

Capcom revealed a new trailer for Monster Hunter Rise during The Game Awards 2020, showing off new monsters for the game. The latest entry in the RPG series will feature two new monsters and a new area for players to explore and survive in.

Players will also get to see an early look at the mysterious “Rampage” events in this trailer, which will be threatening the main location of the game, Kamura Village.

A demo for the game will be coming in January 2021, courtesy of Capcom.
A demo for the game will be coming in January 2021, courtesy of Capcom.

The trickster Bishaten arrives as a unique new threat with its distinctive tail and fondness for persimmons, which it stores in his stomach and hurls at its prey. Adding to its offensive arsenal, Bishaten is also equipped with multiple tail attack options and powerful spin moves that will require hunters to stay on their toes or risk getting swept off their feet. Also new to the line-up, Somnacanth is an intoxicating aquatic leviathan that can expel sleep powder to temporarily stun opponents, leaving them open for attacks. The latest trailer also includes sightings of the scaly leviathan Royal Ludroth and the poisonous birdlike Great Wroggi, both of which are returning to join the growing roster of foes in Monster Hunter Rise.

In addition to the previously announced Shrine Ruins hunting grounds, the new Flooded Forest area will provide players the opportunity to explore and battle fierce monsters in this overgrown and water-logged setting. The puzzling “Rampage” events that threaten Kamura Village and its denizens were also featured in the trailer, as it appears residents and Monster Hunter Rise players will need to build up their defenses and prepare for the battle of their lifetimes. More information regarding the “Rampage” will be revealed in the months ahead.

A free demo will be released for the Nintendo Switch sometime in January 2021, as the full game is set to be unleashed on 21 March 2021.