The distribution arm of Temple Street Productions, Temple Street Distribution, announced its first third-party content acquisition, the animated children’s series, “Ollie! The Boy Who Became What He Ate.” Temple Street Productions are the producers of the award-winning children’s series The Next Step and will serve as the exclusive global distributor, representing all forms of media including merchandising and licensing opportunities for the title.
Launched in August 2015, Temple Street Distribution is a new division of Temple Street Productions, the leading private production studio in Canada. In addition to producing The Next Step, Temple Street produces and distributes the upcoming, Lost & Found Music Studios (Family Channel).
“Temple Street is thrilled to work with premium producers Radical Sheep and Mickey Rogers on our first third-party acquisition and series distribution deal. Ollie! is a very engaging story and we look forward to bringing the series to platforms across the globe,” said Temple Street’s Distribution President, Jon Rutherford.
The series is of eleven-minute animated episodes promoting healthy eating through the eyes of main character Ollie, the world’s pickiest eater. His incredible imagination unravels fantastical adventures when he becomes what he eats, saving the day with oddball superpowers from the food he has eaten.
Radical Sheep, Productions Principal, John Leitch says, “Partnering with Temple Street Distribution is an excellent fit for this project and hopefully the first of many collaborations together. Temple Street alongside Radical Sheep, Mickey Rogers Media and Kids’ CBC is the perfect team of experts to bring this creative story to life and get it in front of the right audience.”
The series, based on the children’s book by Sheena Macrae from Storycake, The Boy Who Became What He Ate, is being developed and produced by Radical Sheep Productions, Mickey Rogers Media and Kids’ CBC.