Nazara Games, POKKT and Dettol come together for a native advertising campaign on Chhotta Bheem's mobile game

Nazara Games and POKKT, the  smartphone ad platform for mobile games have come together to develop a native campaign in Nazara’s most popular game, Chhota Bheem Talking Toy. For this, the brand ‘Dettol’ has been integrated in the game to enhance user experiences and brand visibility. Chhota Bheem the Talking Toy character has been showcased washing his hands at regular intervals thereby creating awareness to stay healthy and protected from germs in keeping with the brand’s core positioning.

In-game branding has become one of the more common marketing gimmick now. Many brands are keen on placing their names or logos inside the games. That way it catches the attention of the players while using the app.

Native advertising gaming has become a preferred choice for brands in the recent times while many studios such as Greedy Games have sprung up who cater to the same needs. A game being a more interactive medium makes for more brand visibility as users are absolutely engrossed in the experience.

Moving along this trend is likely to be seen more often.