Discovery Kids to broadcast a new season of ‘Luv Kushh’

Discovery Kids is coming up with a new season of ‘Luv Kushh’, featuring the endearing brothers Luv and Kushh. The new season promises more adventure, action and thrill in the gripping stories.

The series revolves around the twin brothers in and around rishi Valmiki’s ashram, located by the river Tamasa, where the twins grew up under the watchful eye of the sage and their mother Sita. Apart from fun and frolic, the brothers are also tutored in martial arts by the strict Guru Daksh, who keeps challenging them to attain greater heights.

Luv Kushh

In the series, the duo will be seen helping their friends caught in trouble, from baboo’s rescue to saving Pawan from danger. The overall show will focus on imparting moral values to the children through the adventures of Luv and Khushh.

The series will present how Luv and Kushh use their learning, strength and skills to defeat their enemies. The two brothers along with many young princes from nearby kingdoms will be seen receiving education warfare training.
Luv Kushh premieres on 9 July and will air every afternoon on Discovery Kids at 1 pm.