Green Gold Wins Licensor of the Year Award

Green Gold Licensing & Merchandising (I) Pvt Ltd has been awarded the Licensor of the Year 2013 at the 8th Star Retail Awards held in New Delhi, recently. This is the second consecutive time that Green Gold’s Licensing business has been recognized for its unique efforts. The Star Retailer Awards is one of its kind where the whole retail industry gets together to celebrate and honor the best and the performers.

“This is the second successive year that Green Gold has achieved this recognition. We are really honored and the star of the entire program is Chhota Bheem. Three years back we had to put in a lot of efforts to set the licensing division and today with 100 + licensees on board, Green Gold is a big force to reckon with. Our aim is to continue bringing in the best products for Chhota Bheem fans and grow the licensing market in India. We have also signed up new licenses for Mighty Raju, our other show on Pogo,” says Madhav Prabhala, Vice President, Sourcing & Licensing.

Green Gold is the creator and producer of the hit series’ Chhota Bheem, Mighty Raju, Luv Kushh, Chorr Police, Krishna Balram on kids’ TV and cinema. Apart from licensing, the company is into animation, merchandising,  franchising stores, gaming application development and movies.

“With the licensing sector getting organized and process driven, we are happy with our growth and  thank all our licensees for being a part of our growth. We would like to sincerely thank the Franchise India team and the Jury for acknowledging and appreciating our efforts.” says  Samir Jain Executive Director, Green Gold.